Real Name: Alice Katt
Gender: Female
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122 pounds
Place of Birth: Eros City
Occupation: Bookstore clerk
Relatives: Unknown
Affiliation: Super Babes
Base of Operations: The Watchtower, Eros City
Marital Status: Dating 3 (and counting)
Education: None
Powers: Razor-sharp claws, superhuman agility, superhuman speed, superhuman sense of smell
Alley Cat was born as a stray cat on the streets of Eros City. When she was three years old, she was taken by Professor Puma to be the subject of an experiment to turn a cat into a half-human/half-feline hybrid. The experiment was successful but she refused to submit to his wishes until he put an explosive collar on her neck. From then on, she became Professor Puma's sidekick and unwilling lover. After years of crime, Alley Cat turned on the professor by freeing Paragon and Heavenly Hawk from a trap. After Heavenly Hawk broke off her collar, Alley Cat committed herself to fighting Professor Puma and making amends. She turned herself into police but was given a reduced sentence with time served because of her help, and is free on parole to join Paragon's Super Babes.
Level 8 - Animal Class
Strength: 40
Speed: 40
Defense: 10
Intelligence: 1
Health: 800
Power: 50
Other Profiles:
Paragon | Heavenly Hawk | Alley Cat
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