Monday, October 22, 2018

The World of "Venus Online": How Does Venus Online Work?

Excerpt from Venus Online Official Manual
Pages 1-7

To All New Applicants:

Welcome to Venus Online! You're about to undergo a grand adventure that will change your world! We know you're ready to get into the game, but there are a few things we need to go over before you enter. Let's get to it!

What is Venus Online?

Venus Online is a massively multiplayer role-playing game based on a unique science-fiction universe. It lets you explore an entire galaxy with all the aliens, robots, and starships you could ever want to meet. Even better than that, it's played in a virtual reality simulation. Once you've tried it, you won't ever want to leave!

How Does Venus Online Work?

Much of Venus Online's technology is a trade secret, but we can give you a few hints!

The main interface for Venus Online is the Control Chair. It's a comfortable recliner where you lie down, and it does all the work. While you're in the chair, micro-needles will painlessly inject fluids to provide liquid and nutrients for longterm gaming sessions.

Unlike most virtual reality games you might be familiar with, Venus Online doesn't use clumsy goggles, headphones, or gloves. When you lay your head inside the headrest, a network of wiring we call the sensor web will wirelessly put you into an unconscious state and turn your dreams into an interactive journey.

That's right, playing Venus Online is as simple as relaxing in a chair!

What Do the Stats in Venus Online Mean?

There are three main stats in Venus Online: strength, dexterity, NRG.

Strength is the measure of your exertion of force on physical objects. It's a major factor of combat. The higher your strength stat, the more powerful weapons you can use, and the more accurate your use of those weapons. Strength also determines what you can lift, how much armour you can wear, and your skill at hand-to-hand combat.

Dexterity is the coordination of muscles in movements of hands and fingers with the eyes. In Venus Online, dexterity determines how well you can handle machines and repair them. It also affects your ability to hack computers and robots. It controls speed and accuracy, as well as avoiding attacks.

NRG is a substance based on alien technology that we'll talk about later, but all you need to know is that NRG will let you move time and space with just the power of your mind. The higher your NRG level, the more and longer you can use it. New skills are packaged in programs called "codes." Whenever you use NRG programs codes, you use NRG reserves. If you use up your NRG reserves, you'll start draining health and take damage.

Two other useful stats are health and armour. Health determines how many hit points you have. Whenever you're attacked, you lose hit points. When you run out of hit points, you're dead. Armour is what you wear to protect yourself before losing hit points. The higher your armour, the less likely you are to get injured.

Who Can You Be in Venus Online?

There are three classes of player in the game: Marine, Techmage, and Rogue.

Marine - If you love to smash your way through life, you'll want to pick Marine. Marines are natural-born warriors who start out with an enhanced strength that will allow you to use weapons such as guns and explosives. You'll also start the game with martial arts and combat training, but will be slower and take longer to develop NRG codes.

Techmage - If you want to do the impossible, a techmage is for you. A techmage is someone who has mastered the awesome power of the alien technology known as NRG. You'll start out with an NRG implant and three basic codes. The downside is you'll be less skilled at weapons and combat.

Rogue - If you want to keep to the shadows, you'll want to be a rogue! Rogues start the game with an increased dexterity that allows them to handle most forms of technology and do repairs. They're also faster, more accurate with weapons, and quieter for sneaking around. However, you'll have lower armour so more vulnerable.

But don't feel limited by those classes. They just give you an initial boost in your preferred stats. With enough experience and upgrades, you can be whatever you want to be.

To see the world of Venus Online in action, download the first book in the hit LitRPG series now!

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